It's tough watching children come home and hearing about others preparing to travel after enduring a few months of waiting.
Why is it so much easier to bring home orphans from China than Haiti?
The domestic paperwork is the same (home study, financial stuff, fingerprinting, etc., etc.), and while certain agencies add / subtract from the final paper chase work load, why are referred children united with their forever families so much sooner?
Please do not misunderstand me: I am not minimizing the suffering of those families or children.
Yes, I get the whole Hague Convention thing and the entire lack of stable government and consistency in Haiti . . . blah, blah, blah . . .
Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, but it's so incredibly frustrating and sad.
Makes me feel like this guy (
What I should be focusing on is that God's timing is perfect, and the fact that my attorney hasn't responded to my email asking if he was able to attain the information he needed to proceed with our paperwork shouldn't discourage me . . . right?
I should think like this (also
Yes, yes, I know.
I do.
It's just that my heart is full of love for these two boys and it aches every single day that passes, not knowing if they are eating today, if they are healthy, if they are cold at night or if they are sad and lonely. Was our last visit enough to carry them until we see them again?
Do they know they are wanted?
Do they know they are loved?
I may have mentioned this once or twice before, but being patient is not my strong suit. I'm confident that this is part of the process for me and He knows what he is doing . . .
but good grief! Throw me a bone here!
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