Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby Weight

So, I recently realized that I currently weigh what I did after delivering Grant and Addie. Hmmm.

That's so wrong.

I realize I am not twenty-something anymore, but I've also recently come to the conclusion that being closer to forty (*cough*) than thirty means that I can't eat salads and cereal for a couple of weeks and drop five or ten pounds. That big noisy thing with the rotary belt - yeah, the treadmill - doesn't cause the pounds to fall off just being in the house . . . dang it.  "Aging gracefully" is for people in their sixties and seventies, but cankles in one's forties is just bad news.

I love sushi and merlot, but I'm a fan of cupcakes too.  That's a problem :)

I recently read in another blog the suggestion that adoptive parents should focus on a project while waiting for their adoption stork.  We've got a bedroom to prepare, a house to sell, funds to raise (enter plug for our adoption gift registry and the fabulous coaching from Kelly Ellison:

but perhaps a diet isn't such a bad idea. (I apologize for the four letter word.)  I have long said that I want to be an example for my children, and packing on the pounds while I multi-task my way through this journey is not what I had in mind.

Nothing like a public proclamation of intentions to jump-start one's behavior modification.  Eek.

On the bright side, a few pounds less than this and my Wild Olive Tees will be fittin' fine! (Oops, there I go again:

It's so unfair that I'm trying to put weight onto my six year old . . . couldn't I just donate a few pounds?!

Thank God the kids have Eric's metabolism and not mine.  They have no idea what a blessing that is.

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