Wednesday, August 22, 2012

tick tock, tick tock . . .

23 days left to submit paperwork.

I'm not anxious or anything.

I'm not tapping my foot
or spasming each time a new email comes across my phone.
No, I'm not dying to send another email asking my attorney
Are you there yet?!

Yesterday, we may have received our miracle.
Sister has a death certificate.
Yeah, that's right! We got it. We got it!

That means we only need the hand off to occur from the Sisters to Mr. Attorney
and he needs to feel the fire lit under his behind to submit the dossier.

23 days . . .
and if it happens
(as it should),
Dimitry will get a forever family.

The Hague requirements go into effect in October
and it could be another two years.

No, that is not a misprint.

Dear God,
I know you hear me.
I know you love your children.
I know your hand is in this . . .
and we are in the palm of your hand.
Please bless this process
and the people driving the process
and the paperwork
and the families who love these children and need you to bring them home.

Thank you for this desire in my heart.
Thank you for the resources and the support you have blessed us with.
Thank you. Thank you.

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