Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get a load of this!

So, this is kinda funny.

Not ha ha ha, but more like are you freaking kidding me?!

18 days to submit paperwork . . .
and I sent a couple more emails last night.
I contacted Father Joe with a plea to intervene and talk with Mr. Law face-to-face on our behalf.

I also emailed The Man. This time, we offered a "financial incentive" for Mr. Law to get off his tail and act. The response I received describes his efforts on our behalf, while the nuns are apparently trying to sabotage this adoption.


My GI system was not acting quite right this morning,
before the aforementioned communication,
but it's difficult to describe the state it's in now.

This man must be very confident in his position to say such things.

Oh, and there is surely a special place in hell for individuals who have such generous resources and means in a country plagued by corruption and destitution, but display the level of apathy and indolence as this.

To state that all of his efforts have been for our case, when so many months have passed with my begging for his intervention and assistance, is more than absurd.

There have been no secrets or underestimation on my part about the lack of resources in Fondwa available to the Sisters, yet he now has the audacity to blame them for our lack of progression and goes as far to say that it may be intentional.

Yes, I've heard that devastating poverty and kind hearts will make people vindictive and malicious.


Oh my word, Mister.
I'm glad you don't answer to me ultimately. I'm sure I could never give you what you rightly deserve.

Along this journey, many obstacles have entered our path, but if the enemy thinks we will give up and crawl away with our sad tails between our legs, he is going to be greatly disappointed.
We are supported and loved and faithful.

There are too many children waiting for families . . .

I may not be the strongest or the toughest or the most patient of waiting mothers,
but I'm not going anywhere.

(and I could probably get in trouble for all of this)

Dimitry is our son.
Someday, this journey will be a memory, but the outcome will be such a wondrous blessing.

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