Tuesday, July 17, 2012

With triple digit temperatures, I'm daydreaming of autumn and trying to plan for the school year.

My baby girl is starting kindergarten and couldn't be more excited.
Mama's thoughts are of new backpacks, the quality of school lunches . . . and my children's attention span during those quick 20 minutes of lunch time . . . pencils, new teachers, bus rides, shorter days and hopefully some falling leaves.
Trying to decide if big brother will stick with tae kwon do a little longer (he's getting bored) or switch over to gymnastics with the new school year.
Thinking about work schedules and juggling Daddy's volleyball coaching with our life at home.
Looking at the calendar and thinking that this heat has to break sometime . . .
Really, it can't be 90 degrees on Halloween, right?
Soon, we'll be planning for long sleeves and checking to make sure that jackets are packed along with snacks for school.

Here's a thought: Christmas shopping. (Don't gag - I'm thinking cool thoughts here.)
Not that I want to rush things, don't get me wrong, but cooler sounds nice and so does the routine of another school year.

I love new shoes and clothes for fall. Reading bedtime stories before tucking in - this doesn't happen much in summer time since we often stay up too late, giggling and goofing before collapsing into a "it's so hot and we spent half the day at the pool and the other half riding scooters or playing dress up inside" coma.

There is a lot to be said for routine.

Then again, it would be nice to not watch the calendar pages turn over and over again, thinking that "maybe next year" we'll see our boys home.
I'd like to pick my vacation weeks while planning fun outings and trips rather than trying not to burden sitters while we return to Haiti for another round of political cat and mouse and bittersweet time with our sweet ones there.

It's funny how "normal" changes over time, isn't it?
The loss of loved ones, new schedules and activities, waiting . . .
normal takes on many forms.

Blessed through it all though.
And I suppose, that's enough.

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