Monday, July 2, 2012


Sometimes, just being home, is a very good thing.

I have spent 12 wonderful days on staycation, and it was needed.

My house is cleaner, laundry is actually in closets / drawers rather than piled, clean, in baskets in the laundry room. The fridge is full of fruits and veggies and other healthy yumminess. We've been to the pool . . . a lot. We saw a movie. We've spent time with family, taken naps, worked out (a little - not as often as I should've in 12 days at home, but . . . yeah), and had some fun.

It's been nice.

I admit to being obsessed with all things Haitian and spending a lot of time thinking of my boys and how to get them here, but this week it was nice to focus on my other babies . . . and yes, my hubby is included in there.

My littlest was diagnosed with amblyopia this week and we ordered her first pair of glasses. As a mama, this is a little heartbreaking. She is our performer and our natural athlete and I wonder how this alteration, albeit minor, will alter her course. We first noticed that one of her little eyes was deviating midline occasionally last November. It always happened at the end of the day, when she was fatigued and winding down at dinner time. An opthalmologist I work with sometimes told me she was likely farsighted and to make an appointment to see him . . . which I did, after finally speaking with him in the spring, but being in high demand, apparently, the date we were given was mid-July.

In the meantime, we took Addie to her kindergarten check up and she failed her vision screening . . . miserably. The pediatrician suggested that waiting for the July appointment was not in our baby's best interest. (Enter the mommy guilt.) Off we went to see one of the aforementioned MD's partners, whom I loved, by the way, and received our diagnosis. So, now we have a prescription for lenses and will likely need to patch her strong eye in order to make the brain recognize the weaker eye for a while, depending on how the brain and eye work together with the glasses. (heavy sigh)

7 to 10 days is a long to wait for glasses when you watch your baby go cross-eyed every time she eats or gets sleepy.

On the upside, little kid's glasses have come a long way. Her frames are black and pink with little crystal butterflies on the sides - very chic for an almost 5 year old. Apparently, her taste in frames will follow her daddy's. Thank goodness for flex benefits :)

Funny how we see so much of ourselves in our children.
God sure knew what he was doin' with the whole parent-child bond thing.

It's been a blessing to be home with my family this week. I am thankful that I cancelled our original plans to travel and go, go, go this week because the time at home together couldn't have been much sweeter.

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