Sunday, July 15, 2012

I've fallen behind in blogging, I know.
It's a bit of an uphill journey right now and progress is hard to come by.

On August 1st, the IBESR will start accepting adoption dossiers again.
Once again, I find myself close to begging in order to get anything done with our paperwork.
We are lacking a death certificate for one parent, despite hearing repeatedly "we can get that - no problem." I'm not sure where it is going to materialize from, but I've followed several leads and it's not any clearer.
We have lab work for Dimitry showing that he is sickle cell, Hepatitis B and HIV negative - required "medical" for visa processing. That's great, but . . .
without a death certificate, we cannot proceed.

What's the deal with this??
What do I do?

I've prayed for my boys. I've prayed for the nuns. I've prayed for the community and for the attorneys and the process. I've prayed for patience and for direction and for progress.
What am I missing?

I don't believe that this is anything other than what I'm supposed to be doing. My heart is confused, frankly.

I don't have anything to report because nothing is happening.

Paperwork is starting to expire.
Next month I will pay $500 to update our home study and keep it open. We just spent $500 in Haiti last month to complete Dimmy's dossier, settle paperwork, etc.
That was obviously money well spent.

My children are growing and getting older.
My boys in Haiti still do not have families or security or clothes that fit or 3 meals everyday.

I've read several places that perhaps I should not be praying for progress generically, but should ask God for action now.
I've been told that I'm wrong about this, but my feeling is "really?" That seems a bit pushy and presumptuous of me.
Isn't HE in charge? Doesn't HE have this in HIS hands? Who am I to demand of God?
Isn't this about HIS timing? It's not about my will or my desires or my wishes.
HE knows my heart and HE cares for HIS children . . . HE knows what needs to be done.
So what else do I do?
Really. Some input here would be appreciated.

I know my God is a God of action. HE is a God of miracles and healing.
I know HE has a plan and a heart for these children.

What I do not know is what I'm supposed to be doing with all this waiting . . .
I'm trying to advocate, to witness and to serve on behalf of the fatherless.

But most days, it doesn't feel like enough.

I want my boys and I want to know progress is being made to get them home.

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