Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thankful to be counting down

In just a few days, I will leave my children, parents and siblings, and rather than spend this Thanksgiving holiday filling up on yummy food, laughter and shared memories, I will be making some new ones.

Eric and I are super excited to spend this holiday with our boys in Fondwa.

They do not know they are being adopted.

Why? you may ask. Well, consider what it's like telling a child their birthday is next month . . . no, not tomorrow . . . no, still not tomorrow . . . they have no concept of time or any patience for such things.

Now, imagine that a stranger who talks funny and looks strange and wants to hold you and hug you tried to explain that all you know and hold as familiar will be taken away soon "for your own good." Yeah, not good.

So we will travel to Fondwa to visit our boys, and make sure they know we are there to see them this trip. We are looking for some more one on one time and hope to bond a little despite the language barrier. Perhaps I will be allowed to be near the kitchen this time - gotta learn about plantains, don't ya know?

And don't go feeling sorry for Eric that he's missing out on cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie! Rice and beans are actually pretty tasty (and we'll have a traditional meal after we return home.) In the meantime, I'm looking forward to a pre-holiday season diet boost - a trip to Haiti is usually good for losing a quick 10 pounds.

I can't wait to see how the boys look and get some new photos of them!

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