Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fundraising Update

To date, we have received $780 cash gifts, $110 from sale of lanyards at CMH (thank you Heather and Jennifer), $25 proceeds from our coffee fundraising site and $97.50 from Wild Olive Tee sales proceeds = $1,012. 50! Yea :) Thank you friends.

We've already made $60 on the sale of one auction item!

We have spent the following:

Home study     $1,400.
Interpreter            300.
Psych Eval           260.
USCIS                 890. (so far)
Sec of State           60.
Education            198.50
Fingerprinting     105.
Attorney           1,000.  (retention fee)

Too bad we aren't any where close to being done!

I wanted to update you so you understand that money is being spent as it is received.

Items from the wish list have been removed as the item's due date arrived and funds paid out. What remains on the registry is what we still owe in the near future and to bring our boys home near the end of this process.

Attorney's fees total $14,000 total, some of which is already funded (as noted on the registry), and other items such as visa medical examination are "subject to change." I believe that means we could pay out the wazoo, should they choose to implement higher fees.

heavy sigh

It's all part of the process. Just like figuring out how to use family leave when the boys arrive home. Who goes to work? How do bills get paid? How are the boys' needs best met while encouraging a trusting, loving, attached relationship? While still paying the bills and not losing one's job, of course!

Three days until the dinner and silent auction. Again I say, do not let your lack of RSVP keep you from coming on Saturday night. Eat first, have a snack on the way in case the food is gone, but come!

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