Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I'm off work, recuperating from a torn acetabular labral repair,
hobbling around on crutches and going to physical therapy . . .
for FOUR WEEKS . . .
without my son home yet, and
I'm sulking.

I've never been good at sitting around.
Heck, I don't even watch movies at home without multi-tasking.

This is hard.

It's not the discomfort or the inconvenience of healing that's bothering me.
I can't stand spending time laying around when it's not time spent with my adopted son.

We are still awaiting his passport -
something that I do not understand, at all.

He's waiting for us to come for him.
He doesn't understand what's taking so long.

Then again, neither do we.

Families are waiting for I600 approval from the US Citizenship and Immigration Department . . .
we should be getting approval too,
but until there is a passport,
the application won't be considered complete to be processed.

I am a faithful person:
I believe that God wants His children to be loved.
I believe that God has a plan for Dimitry and for our family, but I'd be lying if I said I understand what His plan is.

I do not understand this wait.

To become more educated?
To let the yearning create a stronger bond for attachment?

God, I know You love this child.
I believe that You brought us to him, and him to us.
I believe that each event up until this point has served a purpose,
but I plead with You to release this child's chains -
deliver his paperwork to those who are able to approve it quickly.
Bring this baby home to a mama and daddy and brother and sister who want him so much.
Answer his prayer for a forever home and let us love him all the rest of his days.

Please continue to guide us and move this adoption along.
Send us a buyer for our house Lord, 
and help us to meet these man-made deadlines that lead us forward.

Please protect Dimitry's heart.
Thank you for Sister Claudette and Sister Simone 
and all the ladies who care for these children,
waiting to be loved, 
longing to be wanted, 
yearning to feel more.
Bring us to him swiftly, Lord.

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