Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let's skip to the chase

I am a bit behind, this I know,
but here is the important news that trumps all other details keeping me from this blog:

Dimitry Edmunds has a Haitian passport

Oooh, that felt good.

There is much to catch you up on,
but really, what else matters?

So, "what's next?" you may ask . . .

His newly acquired passport will accompany all other legal documents related to the adoption to the United States Embassy,
where scrutiny will once again be applied.
The given time period for this stage averages 3-4 weeks,
but being the over-achievers we are (nothing happens quickly with our file),
let's not discount the upcoming holiday.
Once the dossier and supporting documents are given the great, big, authoritative thumbs up,
we should be granted a visa appointment,
at which point, we travel . . .
not to come home empty handed, this time.

Dimitry may not get a mama and a papa and a brother and a sister for Christmas,
but by golly,
he'll have one for his birthday,
if I have any control over it

(and if you've been paying attention, at all, you'll know that I do not).

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