Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas and Politics

What a blessed time of year.
So much to do, so many people to visit and see . . .
What an opportunity to acknowledge the gifts and grace in our lives.

I've been pouting lately,
yes, I'll admit it.
It's difficult to purchase gifts and wrap with joy,
attend holiday gatherings where so much excess and bounty exists,
and still remember that one you love is so far removed from this splendor and doing without.

Does Dimitry get dinner on Christmas Day? Is there enough?
Does he know that there is a family pining for his company, 
wishing more than anything for him to be present at their table?

We've been buying toys
(little brown baby dolls and Barbie dolls, Matchbox cars, Tonka toys)
with hopes of delivering them to the children in Fondwa's orphanage this season,
but it isn't going to be.

Do they know they are loved?
Do they know they matter?
Do they feel wanted and important and special?

Now, politics will keep more children who are institutionalized from knowing the love of a forever family.
Russian children in orphanages,
some 740,000 per UNICEF's estimation,
will remain where they are.
Once again, our world's children become the victims.
At least 52 children, headed for homes in the US, now will remain where they are.
Waiting for political asylum,
not because of natural disaster, illness or transportation concerns,
but because some men in suits think the least of these make for good pawns in their game of Stratego.

What are we doing??

Some times I wonder if God has a hard time keeping His promise not to just wipe us out.
He has got to be frustrated and heart broken and sad.

There is so much good that could be done.
There are so many resources that can help and improve and enhance the quality of lives.
There are so many people who need to be loved and assisted and taught . . .

Why can't we do more to improve, rather than harm?

I'll step down off my soap box now.

On a happier note,
I have decided that 2013 is the year we will bring Dimitry home.
No, I don't know anything, but I have decided.
(You didn't know I had so much control, did you?)

Merry Christmas, y'all.
Blessings to you and yours
and especially, to those without.

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