Monday, October 8, 2012

Too good not to share

You know how some times you read / hear something that really speaks to you personally?
I had one of those Wow  moments reading this post, and I just had to share . . .

For those of you who may not know, Heather Elyse is a woman on an incredible journey.
God clearly has a plan for this mama and she is touching lives and making a difference each and every day.

Here is what she wrote:

As I was basking before the Lord this morning, watching my children sleep peacefully... I thought to myself... Lord I am so unworthy to be caring for your children. Thank you for living in me and allowing me to be YOU to these children.

Can you imagine what God sees on a daily basis? All the young girls being sold into slavery, the children who are murdered in their mother's womb. The children who die daily due to starvation. The children who will die today because they were abandoned and no one found them. Can you imagine the tears God must of cried when he saw the orphan Jewish children being murdered in the concentration camps? I wonder what God's heart feels for the starving orphans in Syria and all over the world who many of us can't even get too, due to massacres and war. Can you imagine what the heart of God must be like...he knows all his children's stories.

May we all touch the heart of GOD today...and awaken ourselves for what HIS heart feels for his children. May we be so intimate with Jesus that we feel his heart beat for them... may our hearts be burdened to pray for the ones who are without a family today.

Dear God, I specifically pray for all the million's of orphans out there in this world. May we feel your heart beating for them. May we catch your tears and cry with you for your hurting abandoned children. May we be the father to the fatherless. Let our hearts break for the things that break your heart. Take our hearts that are burdened deeply for the vulnerable and pour us out. May our hearts be so burdened that we are moved to action. May we rise up and defend the unwanted, the ones who are weak, the ones who have no voice. May we lay down our lives for the least of these. Wrap your blanket of grace around the cold forgotten children of this world. May your spirit fill the bellies of those children who are without food. May your arms embrace those who are without a family today. Catch your children's tears. Heal their bodies. They may not even know who you are Oh God, but meet them where they are at. Breathe life into their very being. Holy Spirit sweep in like a cool breeze and reassure their hearts. May the body of Christ be awakened to hear your heart for these children who you have numbered. May we be moved to action.

Gets me all choked up.
Thank you Heather.

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