Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home, safe and sound

Hi y'all.

I'm not trying to be neglectful in updating everyone on our recent trip, I'm just suffering a bit with the re-entry process.

For anyone who has never been to Haiti, or any "3rd world country," for that matter, it's not the best sleep you'll ever get on a vacation. Between the heat and humidity, the roosters' constant "song," and the dehydration, it's tough to rest. I was surprised that I was unable to sleep even the two nights I was blessed with A/C in Jacmel. Then there is Port-au-Prince . . . wow, there's a sleepless experience for ya. 107 degree heat indices define stifling.

Needless to say, I'm a bit behind on my sleep and feeling rather drained this week as I jump back into "normal" life and work.

I honestly never mind the predictable anorexia that is short-lived following these trips, as Lord knows I have a few pounds to lose, but the dehydration takes a bit longer to recover from. It's not like I became ill or anything, but the hiking and sweating and rationed water take their toll.

We were very blessed this time to spend a lot of time with Dimmy.
I've frequently been asked if he "gets it" that he's being adopted, and after this past week, my answer is yes.
We met with our attorney for the first time . . . an experience (that's all I'm going to say) . . . and he got us in front of a judge where Dimitry's biological father relinquished him legally and we were granted legal guardianship.
Sounds exciting doesn't it?!
It means more here than there, especially since we still have so much paperwork to submit to the IBESR, etc. But, it IS progress, and that is what I've been praying for.

We are hopeful that the ball is rolling, so to speak, but urgency is defined differently by our standards, so only time will tell.

Thank you for your support, your prayers and your curiosity on our behalf.
As I decompress and rest up a bit, I'll try to post some photos and more interesting tid bits from our journey for you to share.

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