Our Timeline

Our Adoption Timeline

February 2010: Dena's 1st trip to Haiti, post-earthquake
November 6, 2010: Met Sister Marie Carmelle at Sisters of Charity in Leavenworth
February 2011: Eric's 1st trip to Haiti; visited the Sisters and orphans in Fondwa
February 19, 2011: Given verbal permission to adopt Dimmy ("matching" date)
March 9, 2011: Met with Adoptions & Beyond to begin home study process
March 17, 2011: Given verbal permission to adopt Alby
April 27, 2011: Mailed I-600A
April 30, 2011: International Adoption Workshop at Adoptions & Beyond
May 6, 2011: Eric fingerprinted for state & local requirements
May 9, 2011: Text received from USCIS: I-600A received for processing
May 10, 2011: Dena fingerprinted for state & local requirements
May 12, 2011: Received I-797C, Notice of Action from USCIS
July 21, 2011: Psychological evaluaton for international dossier

July 23, 2011: Home study turned in
August 4, 2011: Social work assessment complete
August 19, 2011: Home study draft received and returned with alterations
August 23, 2011: Home study finalized and complete
September 1, 2011: Secretary of State's office for authentication (trip #1)
September 12, 2011: Secretary of State's office trip #2 and dossier sent for interpretation
October 3, 2011: Dossier sent to the Haitian Consulate in Chicago, IL for legalization
October 6, 2011: Eric & Dena fingerprinted with USCIS / Dept of Homeland Security; Dossier received back from Haitian Consulate
October 13, 2011: USCIS request for more information received
October 15, 2011: Dinner and silent auction fundraiser
October 21, 2011: Dossier arrived in Haiti
October 27, 2011: Addendum to home study delivered to USCIS
November 3, 2011: Approved I-600A from USCIS
November 22-25, 2011: Thanksgiving in Haiti with our boys
January 16, 2012: Birth certificates to attorney in Port-au-Prince
March 10, 2012: Sister Marie Carmelle returned to her heavenly home
May 31, 2012: Appeared before judge in PAP with Dimmy's biological father - legal guardianship obtained
June 11, 2012: Haiti ratified the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption
September 14, 2012: Dossier submitted to IBESR (Hallelujah!!)
March 12, 2013: Presidential dispensation published in Le Moniteur; also the day our sons (Grant and Dimitry) meet for the first time 
March 13, 2013: I-600 filed in Port-au-Prince
April 17, 2013: I-600 biological parent interview
May 22, 2013: Court appearance to make adoption legal (Parquet)
September 2, 2013: Received word file is out of MOI and ready for passport
September 3, 2013: Off to passports
September 14, 2013: Notified passport photos missing; need to be replaced
December 15, 2013: Passport in attorney's hands
December 17, 2013: Completed I600 dossier with passport at US Embassy
January 10, 2014: USCIS request for translations and orphanage letter
January 28, 2014: Request fulfilled
March 11, 2014: Congressmen contacted
March 25, 2014: Dept of Homeland Security fingerprinting, #3
April 11, 2014: Phone call to USCIS PAP re: status - promised an update next week
May 7, 2014: I-600 approval email